Antigua Tasca de Cuchilleros

Carlos Calvo 319 - Buenos Aires - San Telmo - Argentina

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Our Menu

Grilled vegetables

Menu Item Type: Side Dishes
Grilled vegetables  -  Variety of vegetables

Grilled vegetables - Zucchini, bell-peppers, eggplants


Side dishes such as salad, potatoes and bread are commonly used with main courses throughout many countries of the western world. New side orders introduced within the past decade, such as rice and couscous, have grown to be quite popular throughout Europe, especially at formal occasions (with couscous appearing more commonly at dinner parties with Middle Eastern dishes). When used as an adjective qualifying the name of a dish, the term "side" usually refers to a smaller portion served as a side dish, rather than a larger, main dish-sized serving. For example, a "side salad" is usually served in a small bowl or salad plate, in contrast to a large dinner-plate-sized entree salad. A typical American meal with a meat-based main dish might include one vegetable side dish, sometimes in the form of a salad, and one starch side dish, such as bread, potatoes, rice, or pasta. French fries are the most common side dish served at fast-food restaurants and other American cuisine restaurants. French fries are the most common side dish served at fast-food restaurants and other American cuisine restaurants.